If you want to add more images or change those you have, you can log-in to you property listing at any time and upload new images of your holiday home. You can...
In your listing you can add an iCal link from any other booking site eg Airbnb, booking.com or Stayz to sync, view and block out in Search and Stay’s...
Your holiday rental listing asks for Short-term Rental Registration (if applicable). Many State, local or regional governments have a registration system for...
The Advanced bookings period details how far in advance you will accept bookings from guests. This setting is in months for example 18 months means you will...
Here you can input the property address and map reference. Firstly, input the property address details into the ‘Search Address’, dropdown options will...
Guests will always want to know if linen is provided because this will determine what they need to bring with them to enjoy their stay. Do all the beds have...
‘Property Map Visibility’ lets you choose if the exact location of your property appears on your Search and Stay property listing and the attached map....
When opening your owner account with Search and Stay, you will need to provide details of the financial institution and account into which you’d like your...