*Fire Safety at your Property

Improve fire safety at your property

To improve fire safety of your property, we recommend providing:

Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
  • Follow Australian Smoke Alarm Requirements on how many devices to install.
  • Install a smoke and carbon monoxide alarm outside each sleeping area and/or in the bedroom.
  • Wire alarms together so that if one sounds, they all sound.
  • Install flashing alarms for people who are hearing impaired.
  • Test alarms once a month and replace batteries as required.

Fire extinguishers
  • Install high on the wall, near an exit, away from heat sources, and out of reach of children.
  • If extinguishers are not in plain sight, notify travellers where they can be found.
  • Ensure that extinguishers are properly charged and ready to use.
  • If your extinguisher is designed for one-time discharge, replace it immediately after use.

Emergency exit route and phone numbers
  • Indicate any emergency exit routes for your guests.
  • Notify of emergency exit routes on your listing under Home safety features.
  • List emergency phone numbers in your guidebook or display them on the refrigerator.
@SearchandStay - A Happier Way