*Hoster Access

What is Hoster Access and How Does it Work?

  • The Search and Stay Hoster account allows owners to give access to another person/manager/host to manage all or some of their listings on Search and Stay.
  • The Owner will need to invite the preferred hoster to manager each individual listing.
  • The Hoster will have access to all or some of your listings but they will not have access to your account or banking details.
  • You may only assign one Hoster to each property, but you assign different Hoster's to different properties.
  • All payouts will go directly to the owners chosen bank account.
  • Any financial arrangements made between the Hoster and the owner are the responsibility of the Owner and not managed or overseen by Search and Stay.
  • The Hoster connection can be removed at any time.

To Activate a Hoster Connection

  • Go to your Properties - View all
  • Go to Add Hoster
  • This will allow you to add the email of your preferred Host
  • To Remove a Hoster Connection, Press the Orange Hoster Symbol and you can unlink the preferred Hoster

Hoster Invitation

  • The Hoster will receive an invite from Search and Stay on behalf of the owner.
  • They will need to activate their Search and Stay account
  • Navigate to Properties - View all and accept or reject the Invitation
  • Once the invitation is accepted the property will appear on your property list with a blue Hoster icon to show that this property is hosted.