*Prevent complaints from Neighbours and your Community

The three most common pain points for communities: 

  • Parking: Clearly state parking arrangements in the listing rules, including the maximum number of cars and alternative locations. 
  • Rubbish: Leave easy instructions explaining all the when, where and how of rubbish disposal. Always have extra rubbish bags available for overflow. 
  • Noise: Inform guests about quiet hours for your community. Be clear about your expectations for loud music and late-night activity.

Here are some tips on how to be a good neighbour: 

  • Let surrounding homes know that you own or manage a holiday rental and give them a way to reach you in an emergency.  

  • Neighbours are sometimes the best way to get an early warning if something goes wrong on your property. 

  • Make sure you know about any local regulations that could affect your property. 

  • Guests are more likely to follow the rules if you make them clear from the start. By setting up house rules  for your property, you can be sure that guests know what they should and shouldn’t be doing.  

  • Preventing loud parties is an essential part of keeping your community safe and peaceful for your neighbours.  

@SearchandStay - A Happier Way