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*What are the photo guidelines for my listing on Search and Stay?

Remember that high-quality photos are critical to the success of your listing. 
Photos should be: 

  • Full HD high resolution, try and get them sharp and well lit.
  • Minimum 1024 x 768 pixels or higher

  • Maximum file size of 2MB 

  • Format of JPEG/JPG, PNG or GIF  

  • Upload approx 25 good photos depicting the property at its best.  Your main photo should showcase your best feature e.g. pool, view or patio.

  • For faster upload, try uploading no more than 10-15 at a time.

Try to avoid:

  • Low-resolution, blurry, or too dark 

  • Black and white 

  • Inappropriate 

  • Watermarked 

  • Copied from another listing 

  • Oriented incorrectly 

  • Unrelated to your property or area 

  • Blank or duplicated.


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