1. Search and Stay Help
  2. Owner Account
  3. Build And Manage Your Property Listing

*How to manage your rates

Your rates will fall into 3 headings:

  • Day rate
  • Weekend rate
  • Seasonal rate

To manage, update/amend your rates you will need to log into your account and go to your property listing and click on the 'Pricing and Seasons' tab.

  • The first heading will be global' 'Pricing' for this property.  Here you can set your 'Per Day Rate' which will cover everything outside of your seasons.
  • The next heading is 'Weekend Pricing'  here you can set the toggle on to 'Set Weekend Rate' simply click on the days you want to rate to apply to and put the rate in.
  • The last place you can set your rate is under 'Seasons' once you have set up your season for e.g. Christmas or Peak Season you can set the rate that applies to these dates/seasons.  You can also set a 'Weekend Rate' within a season if applicable.  This will overwrite the Global Property Settings that were set on to cover all your properties .

You can go into your account at anytime to amend or update these rates.


@SearchandStay - A Happier Way