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Why List Your Holiday Rental on Search and Stay Instead of Other Holiday Rental Platforms?

Nothing is more Australian than taking a family holiday in a holiday home. The holiday rental market is a multi-billion dollar business but unfortunately, huge profits are heading overseas to multinational booking platforms - most of which are owned by only three gigantic corporations. Search and Stay was started because diligent homeowners are doing all the hard work, while booking sites and their shareholders enjoy the benefit.  Most owners who self-manage their holiday properties put enormous effort into organizing and preparing their holiday properties, cleaning and maintenance, decorating their holiday house and creating fantastic holiday guest experiences.

Search and Stay is about giving the profit and revenue back to those who should benefit from all their hard work. Search and Stay is an owner and guest-centric business that wants to see homeowners profit from their hard work and Australian guests enjoy their family holidays without paying huge booking fees. Guests can trust that they’re getting the best price because they’re not covering the profit losses of the owners. Search and Stay is an Aussie company here for holiday rental homeowners and their holidaying guests.


@SearchandStay - A Happier Way